Friday, September 13, 2019

Week 10 -- We rocked it, ya'll!

First, some pictures that tell a story, and that ARE NOT the share basket:

Now that you're intrigued, here's the bad news... I'm not telling you the story, just yet. You're left to your imagination -- at least, until we meet again, where I promise I will tell this interesting homesteading tale to you!

Now, for a picture of Share Basket #10, in all its glory:
Some new friends and some old ones, here =) ...and of course, some important notes:

1) Potatoes -- 100% from our garden, from volunteer plants (from a much larger planting my dad and I did last year) that I re-homed into a half of a row, late this spring. Sooooo good, sorry they didn't make more!

2) Better-boy red slicing tomatoes -- come from First Step Farm, an awesome place that grows produce for the Candler and Canton communities while helping people struggling with addiction get their lives back on track. They pick 'em awefully orange (IMO), so I table-ripened these myself for all of us, with the old-bananas-and-apples-in-a-bag trick ;)

3) Basil-in-a-box -- I had to harvest them in the heat of the sun, unfortunately -- so they won't have a long shelf-life... BUT, I noticed that our plants that looked terribly yellow had produced some green side shoots, so I tried to selectively pick some of those for ya!

4) Eggplant -- you either got two big round ones, or a few smaller ones

5) Corn -- I'm so sorry, everyone was supposed to get one -- but I forgot to put the one on the table, into the share basket where it belonged. Do let me know if you're the one that I owe one ear of corn, and I will make it up to you somehow =P

I wanted to close by thanking you all again for allowing me to share my joy of homesteading with you all (and for making it a much more sensible adventure, financially speaking). With your funds, we were able to cover all of our supply costs... now, allow me to keep a rosy-eyed view of it all, and to not attempt to calculate exactly how many hours I spent down there at the plot, making it happen =P

Finally I wanted to thank Doro and my kids, who have ALWAYS been extremely helpful, anytime there was more work that needed be done, in a shorter period of time than I could have done myself. I love you, Mikulski-Schulz tribe!!!! XOXO

Looking forward to seeing you all throughout the coming months, and to doing this hyperlocal food 'thang again next year!


Thursday, September 5, 2019

Week 9 -- Sorry no share-contents picture this time! =(

Hey everyone!

So, I had Doro and I's share splayed out on the table yesterday (as I usually do, while I'm packing the other baskets), but forgot to take a pic before rushing off to the Wedge... and then I forgot to text her, and ask her to take a pic -- before she rinsed, trimmed and packed everything where it needed to go! Anyhow, there were only two new things that deserved a little explaining, and even though I THINK I told you all in person, I can put it here as well:

Popping corn -- These are the smaller cobs; I think the variety is 'strawberry' (color-wise it makes sense). Peel, rinse off/out any stupid tiny wormies that might be trying to have a party with one or more kernels, and then place on a sunny windowsill for a couple of weeks. Should be dry enough for popping by then!

Regular corn -- I had hoped, SO BADLY, that I could find two ears for each member... but unfortunately, many of the ears I squeezed in testing had not-fully-mature kernels in them. So, be prepared to use your veggie-slicing knife in remarkably precise fashion, to cut each family member a justly-portioned mini-cob! =P Also, this is an heirloom variety that has a bit more starch than your typical Ingles fare... great for making creamed corn, but be ready for some squeakiness (if you were just gonna boil, butter, and typewriter-munch those kernels off).

Next Wednesday is the last share delivery day (and probably a good time to stop, as tomato production is basically non-existent, and things will be turning into an okra-only parade in just a week or so)... It has been a great summer being with you all, and sharing in this local bounty... I will try to find something special to put in that last basket, so that we can go out with a proverbial bang! =)

Your mini-farmer dude and friend,