Thursday, May 28, 2020

Share basket numero uno... details!

(Remember that if you click on the link at the bottom of this email, you can view this actual blog post -- and leave a comment if you wish!)
(All blog images can be clicked on to be pulled up in higher resolution!)

First off sorry I didn't get radishes into this basket... I was really waffling about it, and in the end wished I had. You will get a better bundle next week! Here's what we had this week:

Curled kale -- Mmmm love these, only the bold eat the midribs raw, tho... try chopping into fork-sized bits, and massaging some salt or sugar into them (to get them soft and oozing their natural flavor, for a salad). You can rinse the sugar or salt grains off in the end!

Kohlrabi -- love these things, and despite their leaves being plagued by little slugs, they filled out nicely. Slice and eat fresh like a daikon, or grate and season like a slaw.

Lettuce -- three different types were up for grabs, but they are all buttery and oh-so-fresh (having been cut from the plant this very morning, before the sun hit them -- and misted and kept in a cooler

Arugula -- nice and with spice; if you don't like the spice as much, one trick is to roast / wilt it a bit (good example = put it on an all-cheese, cheap frozen pizza, and see how it mellows!)

Broccoli florets -- some ALMOST turning into flowers... a form which is still quite edible (still tastes like broccoli, with maybe a faint hint of mustard). But flowered broccoli are just delicate / harder to transport globally and still be able to present at an Ingles, etc... which is why you never see it like this at the store :)

South Carolina peaches (2) -- OK so these are NOT from our garden; I just felt bad because I botched the plucking of radishes for ya'll, and wanted to put something non-greens in your first basket. These are nice and tart first, sweet second -- while being perfectly ripe right now!

For the beef add-on everyone got between 2.6-3.5 pounds of short ribs, and for the pastry add-on Laura made butternut squash scones.

PLEASE #1, remember to bring all of your share basket goodness -- including plastic bags, egg cartons, the share basket itself -- back to next week's pick-up. We try to re-use cartons and such as often as possible :)

PLEASE #2... (I remembered to mention this to some of you today, but not all)... if there is anything in the basket that you either don't end up liking, or don't use all of (even seemingly random stuff, like the leaves off the kohlrabis, or the tops of the radishes you will get next week), PLEASE try to keep them fresh (slightly wet and in a zip lock back) and bring them back to share pickup next week. Our baby geese we are bringing up, or our teenager ducks, or worst case our worms, can make good use of it ;)

PLEASE #3 -- If you end up discovering some killer recipe using something from the share, send it my way... I can mention it in next week's share blog post

That is all for now, happy munching and already excited to bring you your next basket of hyperlocal goodness next week!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

First share pickup this Thursday! Details will be emailed out...

(If the embedded video doesn't play, please click the blue 'Coburn Cove Cooperative Farmstead' link at the bottom of your email to view the blog itself. Navigating to the blog also lets you leave a comment :)

Greetings all!

We've been really busy in the garden, ramping up for our first baskets to deliver to you. Here is a little 'sneak peek' video, that will show you some of the stuff getting ready now as well as planned for the future:

Regarding our recent survey, it was unanimous... given the fact that our share pickup place is not yet open on Wednesdays, you all picked THURSDAY as your preferred alternate day. So, look for an email to the group with details about pickup shortly.

Finally, if you said you wanted a 'sweets' add-on, please pre-pay directly to Laura, at ($30 for the single, $60 for the double). Several people said they wanted to add this, but I believe she's only received two payments thus far...

We look forward to seeing you all later this week!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Welcome to the 2020 CCC growing season, y'all!

An early pic of our 'root crop' row, before any have sprouted
(you can click on any blog pic, to view a higher-res version =)
I've been putting off this 'introductory' blog post for some time now, and am finally getting around to it. First of all, thanks to our returning members, for continuing to anchor us in this belief that we're trying to do something every spring and summer that is meaningful to other families. If it wasn't for you, I surely would have decided that we're some special kind of crazy by now! =) Secondly, thanks to our new share members, for 'leaning' out and being willing to try a new sort of 'little community' with us, around the growing, foraging, preserving and ultimately sharing of food.
Some baby tatsoi greens, that at the time of the photo had not yet taken their lovely 'flower petal rosette' shape (spoiler -- they have near-perfect radial symmetry, and are much bigger, now!)
This is a good time to remind the majority of you all that have not yet paid -- please drop us a payment (my PayPal address has been in previous emails, but I'll resend after this): $175 for veggies only, and an additional $25 if you wanted to add eggs and another $50 if you wanted to add beef.
Some of the ladies (and one of our roosters) that we have to keep happy, and away from predators -- so they keep us happy (with eggs and antics)
Well, if its not about time, for the first big food-from-the-ole-homestead crisis... =( This Friday and Saturday, it will be getting sufficiently chilly at night that we will have to cover all of the potatoes we are growing (like, ten half-rows), as well as all of the vegetable seedlings and seeds we've put in the ground (about four full rows). If you want to earn SUPER brownie points, please offer to come join us either today (Friday) or tomorrow (Saturday) evening, raking up grass clippings to spread over plants as well as tethering landscaping fabric over the smaller things! I can feed you, and offer you some homemade hard cider ;)
Squash and friends, in a not-quite-ready-to-fly holding pattern of experiencing nighttime temp dips and about a half-day of sun
 To put the scary news more properly into context, there's plenty of stuff out the door, in the stable, and as-I-type sprouting in the basement here at the Mikulski-Schulz homestead right now. Here are some things that are looking great / on track, for their respective weeks (summery-stuff obviously will be yielding their 'fruits' only later): chard, spinach, tatsoi greens, radishes, turnips, rutabagas, salsify, carrots, beets, kale, kohlrabi, cabbages... cucumber, crookneck squash, bean and eggplants... sweet and hot peppers, tomatoes, sweet corn, melons, onions, potatoes... I'm gonna stop trying to remember more, but in case you couldn't tell, the goal was a veritable smorgasbord. BUT... pray for us, again, and please, these next two nights... we'll have to protect virtually all of this from the frost!

Lettuces that are now full grown (and being enjoyed by us)... don't worry, there are many more rounds to replace, on the books!
So our first share basket pickup is at present scheduled for Wednesday, May 27th from 4-6 PM at or nearby to the Old Wedge (River Arts)... details on the exact location are TBD, and will come out in a week or two. Recall that we promise to grow, pack and deliver you ten baskets of goodness... if for some reason we manage to fall short, we'll refund you the difference... if for some reason we find we can keep going for several more weeks beyond the initial ten, we'll see who wants to re-up -- and we'll keep up some of the goodness, into the coming school year =) In any case, it will be great to finally see many of you again, after a long pause created in most part by the highly personally-restrictive state of being sufficiently cautious about the spread of CV19 in our communities.
That's right little guy... keep putting on circumference, somewhere sometime in the future, someone is experiencing the joy of a well-seasoned Kohlrabi-slaw :)
Thank you again for joining us, and may this be the best season of Coburn Cove Cooperative veggie and community goodness that we've ever had!!! =)

your (wanabee) farmer Matt