(Come on, little DNA nuggets... do your thing!) |
Sunrise over the kid's outside playhouse |
Breaking ground on a greenhouse... that will be useful for fall crops (if we choose) this year and then NEXT summer share season =) |
Yanusz and I agree, a good garden is like a good chess game... looooong, and with much uncertainty about who (or what) will ultimately win |
Aren't they sooooo cute when they're little? ;) |
So THAT is what this late night, lumbering skunk has been up to... a digging, duck-egg diner! |
Horseradish, anyone? Hopefully the new patch will set in well... |
Figured I'd make a blog post, instead of trying to send another email... we at the Mikulski-Schulz homestead are gearing up to do our 'Coburn Cove Cooperative' veggie share again this year. It would be great if you could send us an email making it official that you plan to participate again this year, or not. I have a few people in mind that I can fold into the group IF NEEDED -- i.e., if your family is either upgrading to a bigger share, trying a different one out, transitioning to an open air farmers market or going back to the convenience of the supermarket, will be out of town too much or otherwise don't want to be part of the CSA this summer. We are aiming again for a first-Wednesday-of-June start, ten weeks of baskets, and have egg 1/2 or dozen weekly share additions you can buy into.
Hope you all are emerging from the cold season in good spirits, and as eager for local greens to first fill your eyes and then your plates as we are!!!
Matt and the team
(including the remarkable, indefatigable, all-too-lovable Doro... and our kids, who now have a bonus as part of their weekly allowance related to helping out with this great task of feeding our family as well as those of some of our friends =)