Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Only a week (or worst-case, two) 'til the first share basket!

Lovely people, just wanted to tell you all how grateful we are, that you are trusting us with helping feed you and your family this summer!  =)  =)

Its shaping up. You should see our new irrigation system!

O tiny beetle, please protect our radishes

Hose mending... works best with a cinder block for a chair ;)

Seeing some great things out there, not only with what we've planted but with the forage crops that we hunt popping up nearby. Dandelion greens, evening primrose leaves and drum roll... milkweed florets are all coming around for a perfect 'first few baskets' confluence. Might have some daylily flowers popping up here soon, too, and I think we still have nettle tops for harvesting. I'm definitely keeping my eyes peeled!

Finally, we had an interesting development at the homestead. One of our female runner ducks (of a breed which is not known for motherly behaviors) has managed to hatch a clutch of eggs. Not only are there baby duckies, but she also managed to warm up (and pop out) two baby chicks... apparently a hen stuck down there when momma was off her duck eggs, and made a couple of deposits into the bank of future feathered friends =)

(Almost) the whole family

How'd I get here?!  Like, seriously!

Two chicken stowaways... *gasp*

Well, that's all the news that I can take the time to share with you all for now... please check your emails and phones for upcoming and IMPORTANT updates, on 1) getting everyone's allotment correct (in terms of share add-ons) + payment received from everyone; and 2) whether our first share pickup will be Wednesday, June 5th from 4:30-6:30 at the Wedge at Foundation. Some years we need an extra week to have enough produce coming in... but I think next week is looking likely!

Matt and the gang

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Making all them-there prepearations!!!

Wow, it has been simultaneously a breath of fresh air and a gut punch, jumping back into the Coburn Cove vegetable cooperative these past few months. What is new? A greenhouse, and starting a lot of seedlings in there. Temperature and moisture management. Seeding schedules. Purging mold.

From dawn...


hand-truckin' plants from the greenhouse, to the garden!

We've already spent more than the total income from the seven upfront share payments, just with replacing+revamping our previous irrigation system with a new one.

Water pump arrived late on its flight in from a boat rescue & servicing company out in Hickory

Yanusz and Josie helped me build the water distributor for the irrigation system!

This time, it should last ten years, even more... diesel-powered, 2" inlet and outlet... six-hose end distribution. Soaker hoses this time, instead of drip tape. It should allow us to water everything in 15 minutes, that it took us 45-60 minutes to before (BIG knock on wood, there... I'm gonna try to set it up and test it shortly =)

fresh butt nuggets (yeah that's right, I said it)... for all who need them dusk... aka...

"What day is it, again? And how many more squeezed-dry weekday evenings, until we're done?"

Since we'd had many a night already where we find ourselves working in the garden until we can't see in front of us anymore, it seems pertinent to close with a late-in-the-day shot Doro recently took. We want to be able to accurately say we've been "Working night and day" to help make sure you have a great experience, with the ten weeks of fresh food we're promising to grow and then bring fresh to you!

Well, we will try to write you all every week starting now, and when the food starts coming in the posts will transition mostly to being a 'whos-who' of the basket contents (with a little bit of simple how-to sprinkled in). If you haven't paid us your $$$ for the year, please get that in to us ASAP. I've put the details in a separate email, but we take PayPal as well as check.


Matt, Doro, Josie, Yanusz and all the feathered friends