Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Box #5 + greens cooking tips (if helpful!) + latest pics

Your box #5, unveiled!
1) Howdy! So, in your 1/2 share basket (which was kinda plump this week, I'm pleased to say) you should have:

Heirloom tomatoes (one person got a yellow-ripening one, some got one just-barely-unripe that need to table-ripen)
Potatoes (I think the variety is Pontiac; tried to be generous here, while also leaving some in the ground for later in the season)
Carrots (unbelievably sweet, IMO)
Breakfast radishes (are these guys officially the 'usual suspects' yet?)
One random root veggie (one person got a salsify; others got turnips)
Japanese eggplant... the one pictured here is fat (Eurpoean) instead of skinny (Japanese) lol
Banana peppers
Matt-pickles (cucumbers courtesy of -- as is the aforementioned eggplant -- our partner Golden Acres Farm... if you don't end up liking them, please bring them back to me, as these are a family favorite!)

2) Here is my personal, generic-but-golden 'greens' recipe that you might use, if you haven't already, to start making something of those turnip, radish, and other root greens (instead of throwing them away):

3) Here are some pictures from harvest today / yesterday, in case you are curious:
Monarchs on our milkweeds!
Josie helping me harvest a section of our potato plot

Cleaning up the turnips

Situating the few heirloom tomatoes we have that didn't have any soft spots (damn it, where do they come from?)

Same-day-harvested potatoes

Radishes, needing a light cleaning and partitioning

All of the lovely tomatoes that we COULDN'T given, due to having spots. WTF

Dividing up the carrots that Josie so dutifully separated from the ground yesterday evening

All eight shares, raring to go on our dinner table! :)

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