Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Basket #1 of 2021... diving in!

Folks, so glad to being you your first basket of goodness! I'm gonna try to keep this post short, and just enumerate what is in there... but first, a general tip: we lightly rinse all our stuff, do give it a second rinse just to be sure. OK here's a pic of a dissected basket this week:

We've got:

Spinach greens (in zip lock)

Garlic scapes... super-yum, use sunflower seeds for a cheap and yummy pesto

Salad greens -- various varieties, everyone got a 'head' :)

Sprig of oregano

Egyptian walking onion stalk (all parts are edible; you can pluck and replant the top bulbils if you want to try cultivating a growing patch of this for yourself)

Tatsoi (Asian greens)... very mild, can use for a lot of things (including making kimchi ;)

Dandelion greens -- well, dandelion and a couple of very closely related species... the first stars of spring, they get a better jump on the growing season than anything else I know! Be generous with your sour, sweet and oil, the only tricks I know to get kids OK with eating them (can also mix lightly into a fresh salad, if you are used to eating greens)

Well, email me any recipes you end up using, bring your basket back next week, and we really hope you get to use and enjoy everything!

Doro and Matt and the gang

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