Thursday, July 25, 2019

A video tour of the garden... and, week 4's share/pickup contents!

Hey ya'll!

I'm so proud of our successes at the Coburn Cooperative Homesteading garden, right now. Ordinarily (= last year, and years before) I'd just be taking my time, taking pictures of every 'hippy' thing I'd try to do in the garden... but this year, I haven't had time for all that. I've been TRYING lots of different things (in addition to working more than I usually do at my school, over the summer). And it seems some of them have worked :)

To catch up on lost time, I made a video this morning, after the last of the harvest for the share baskets was done... I figured, if a picture's worth a thousand words, a video-showing-material-success is worth at least... twelve lost opportunities to show 'look at me trying hard at stuff right now' pictures? ;) I hope it looks as much like an amazingly productive garden to you, as it does to us! Anyways, here goes:

VID_20190724_080530936[1] from Mr. Mikulski on Vimeo.

And now, a picture of yesterday's share contents, and any details that might be good to know:

New things:

Peppers -- a couple of bell peppers in each basket, plus a slightly spicier pepper

Bush beans -- super-yummy

Malabar spinach leaves -- an interesting, tasty spinach substitute that thrives in the summertime... eat raw in salads, on sandwiches, etc.

Half-winter squash (my make up name) -- 'UFO squash' (Doro's made up name)... these are great baked, but don't need as much baking time as winter squash typically do.

And finally, a picture of the mushrooms the kids and I were able to find, foraging yesterday (some of you who made it out to share pickup yesterday, went home with some of these):

We found black trumpets, chantrelles, boletes, and saffron milk caps. I hope to prepare most of this today, will try out drying some so I can use in soups later!

If you have any nice recipes that use current or former share ingredients, please reply back and let the rest of us know about it! Until next week... =)

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