Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Share #9... second-to-last, second-to-none...

...for the price and the love that goes into it, at least! =)

Mixed peppers, basil, salad and slicing tomatoes, he gets, chard, carrots, a spilt of 'moon and star's watermelon (and, a baby canteloupe if your slice was significantly smaller than the others), and... our own potatoes. You'll think I'm BSing, but these potatoes will be soooo yummy! Reminder: don't toss your best greens if they look good. instead, slice them finely (slaw or addition to salad), OR a little less finely and fry up (perhaps with your chard?).

Also, an idea for using the flower heads on your basil stalks, that works well for us: steep them in a nice olive oil for anywhere from a couple days to up to a week (ideally, in a sealed container, out of the sun), and then pour the resulting, herbed oil into ice cube trays, make frozen cubes, and throw into any batch of noodles (first-pass or refried) for a burst of great basil flavor!

Finally, today beef share ppl got the VERY LAST of my grillable cuts, from our two steer. Sob, sob, sniffle, sniffle... please do me a favor, and send me a picture of you enyoying your first bites of these flavor-monsters... so I can at least live vicariously through you! =)

Looking forward to the last share, and to the socially-distanced pizza-making 'picnic-on-the-farm that we will announce (and then do) some weekend soon thereafter.

Y'all are the best!

- M

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