Saturday, July 31, 2021

Basket #7... documented!

Sorry for the delay here; I'll include a pic and synopsis as has been standard... but the main thing is, I also wanted you to have a recipe for using the staghorn sumac seedheads to make a tasty sour beverage similar to lemonade. Anyhow, first things first:

Here's watcha got: one regular zucchini and one pattipan squash; sweet Hungarian peppers, purple and green basil, okra, cucumber, arugula (bagged), tomato mix (containered), spearmint

And now, a simple recipe for sumac-ade:

1) Clip ripe staghorn sumac seedheads (you know they're good if they are coated with white, or if you kick them and get a sour kick!)

2) Stuff the seedheads as densely as you can, into whatever jar you have. Keep the stemside up.

3) Fill water up to but not exceeding the cut stem-ends of the seedheads

4) Cap jar if you have a cap (ideal), and let sit for 24-48 hours (later = better sour twang). Shake for 30 seconds straight on multiple occasions within the day or so, to improve flavor!

5) Pour through filter/sieve to catch bits (tea leaves strainer works well) into another jar, add sugar to taste and shake to help dissolve the sugar

6) Chill and serve on ice

I will bring more next week, let me know how it goes!!!

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