Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Il chestone numero cinque... per piacere!

It's a "cestone" because its loaded with yummy early potatoes of ours... :) Have you ever had potstoes this fresh? Literally umearthed two days ago! OK, maybe I should've just stuck with cestino. Here's your weekly yumminess, good people:

Homegrown Kennebec early potatoes (ok, not early in the traditional sense... but sooner than usual! =P), kohlrabi, yellow and green zucchini, basil (green and purple; both sporting the trad basil mix of aromatics), cucumbers, onion, mild and semi-hot peppers, a few tomatoes (about to really pop as a crop, trust me ;), and swiss chard.

Recipe tip w/ the potatoes: if you have a pressure cooker, cut into 0.75-1" diameter chunklets, then pressure cook at standard (10 psi, I believe) pressure cooker for eight minutes. Put an inch thick of high-smokepoint oil (ex - coconut) in a saucepan that can tolerate frying things, and on high heat. Now back to the pressure cooker... thats five coming to temp from a half-inch of hot water in the pot, and another three at full pressure and hissing... then take it off heat and let it simmer in water vapor for another five. Then, pull top to let last of water vapor exit, then pour off remaining water.

Place cooked potato chunks in a bowl or tray of powdered either potato or other starch and toss. Finally, dump potatoes into the hot oil in one, two or three rounds, toss with spatula for a few minutes, and when appropriately brown, remove from oil. Will take five minutes to cool, so be careful... and enjoy! I like to add olive oil at end, and either fresh dill or rosemary minced and mixed in. Chef's kiss! =)

And I'm sorry, I had hoped to share some of my homemade apple cider vinegar, but that will have to wait until next week... :) Please hug your Doros, everybody -- they are pulling double-duty this week!

- M and D and J and Y (and birds of three sorts)

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