Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Contents of first share!

Hey there, let's try and eliminate some of the mystique around this stuff (sorry that the picture here is from the one share that didn't get picked up today -- and so the contents don't appear as fresh as they could be):

NB: Everything here was grown without pesticides, and without artificial fertilizers. The lamb's quarters were gorgeous, perfect-for-eating, pre-flowering volunteers in the potato patch, and I just couldn't resist (they taste like spinach, are a relative of quinoa, and are just as healthy). Here are some preparation tips:

STRAWBERRIES: Eat or prepare ASAP -- they've got no preservatives and were picked uber-ripe (as opposed to white, as most commercial ones are)

LILIES: Dice up the pods and flowers and enjoy them fresh in a salad, or use the flower as a garnish, or you can also either stir fry or deep-fry them

LAMB'S QUARTERS: Tear leaves off stems (sorry, I would have done this for ya'll but ran out of time today), simmer in pan with olive oil and a tad garlic briefly (as you would spinach) -- or, put fresh on a sandwich!

KALE-CHI: For those who do not like the fermented / briney taste of a lacto-fermented super-food, here's a cool workaround to get it back to simply kale: fill jar with water, let stand for 5 minutes or so. Empty water. Then, put 'rinsed' kale-chi in frying pan with olive oil and a splash maple syrup (or other sweetener) and simmer for a few minutes. My kids finally liked it when I did it this way!

Please respond to this post with any recipe tips, or simple stories of how you ended up using things! And remember to bring back baskets, plastic, and egg cartons (if you can) next week... I'm very grateful to be growing food for you all!

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