Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Share members, I'm hoping I fixed this, and that this note makes it directly into your inbox. I am testing again because it seems that as soon as I started using the Google Group email for us, the posts stopped making it to one or more of you. That means, some of you might have missed the last two posts (SORRY IF THAT IS THE CASE).

Please reply with 'got it' if you GOT THIS POST DIRECT TO YOUR INBOX. Then, go to coburncove.blogspot.com when you've got a free couple of minutes, and check out any recent post(s) that you missed!!!

Looking forward to seeing all of you at the Wedge tomorrow. Also, I'll have a little of my homemade apple cider for you to taste. Totally optional. And ONLY a very short pour, as I don't want staff at the Wedge to think I'm competing with their offerings... a sip may be best anyways -- as last Wednesday I was stuck with a pitcher of porter that no sharemember had the time to help me drink! =)

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