Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Share basket #1

Folks, as I type this, a couple of you have already given me the pleasure of handing sustenance to you. You are what makes Coburn Cove Cooperative Farmstead happen, what bring it life! Anyways, before I get too mushy, let me list what we have for you:

radishes -- greens can also be eaten (for the braver of the vegetarians)

A sole, lonely cucumber. Early bird gets the... !?

A nice chonky bag of perennial arugula. Love this stuff

A lil head of lettuce

Two medium onions (all can be eaten!)

A few day lily flowers (ex - garnish on salads)


A 16oz berry container's-ful of milkweed florets. We like to pan fry on high heat in 50/50 olive oil and butter combo

A splash of both dandelion geen leaves (have irregularly jagged edges) and evening primrose leaves (look more like stretched-out footballs). The former some find a tad too bitter raw and can be relieved a bit by brief bath in hot salty water, and the latter is a terric fresh lettuce with a very faint potato-chip like firmness

Enjoy your food, lovely people. =)


  1. And I forgot, there's a small bag of garden herbs... oregano, lemon balm, sage, rosemary and fennel, I believe? Please reply to correct me if I'm mistaken.

    1. Pps -- prep tip for the perennial arugula: remove and cast aside any hard stems I might've accidentally harvested, together with the leaves!
