Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Your third bundle of locally-grown joy

Folks, the days of lettuces are waning and the days of zucchini and cucumber are at hand. Also, we have an old foraged friend featured here...

Radishes (the last of them), onions, kohlrabi (slice into chips and eat raw or pickle... or shred into slaw ;), cucumbers, zucchini, hungarian peppers, a pint of milkweed florets, lambs quarters, lettuces, and then chinese mustard (bigger, greenish-yellow spoons)

The chinese mustard is new for us... here is the recipe our household will try, hopefully tonight:
The lambs quarters you should pick off the stem and eat as spinach (fresh in a sandwich; gently cooked in a pasta; mixed into a salad, etc). This favorite forage crop of ours just didnt thrive on our land this year, but at least we get a taste :)

OK, I wanna get back to talking with you all here at the Wedge... share post over and out!

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